IHSI 2019 Fall Bocce League

It’s time for the beginning of IHSI Summer-Fall Bocce!
This year we are excited to announce the Italian Heritage Society of Indiana (IHSI) will offer 6-week sessions at the same time…as the Fletcher Place Bocce League (FPBL), IHSI* will run games on Monday & Tuesday evenings and FPBL games will take place on Wednesday & Thursday evenings for more information contact: [email protected]
*If you are interested in playing on Mondays or Tuesdays, please email Vince DeFabis at: [email protected]
*Note: we will have new scoreboards for the Fall League! (Say thanks to Jim Watts)
Email Emily Duncan at: [email protected] for information on Wednesday/Thursday night bocce.
Here are some highlights.
League: IHSI Bocce League
Location: Lacy Park – 700 Greer Street(corner of Greer and McCarty/Stevens Streets)
Dates: The (6 week) Fall Session will run on Monday & Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning July 29/30.
- League nights can accommodate 16 teams on each night.
- All teams will be notified of their night of play, wait list, or other status, via email.
The attached application should be completed and returned to: [email protected] no later than Monday, July 22nd.
All applications will be processed on a first come, first serve basis and teams will be notified of their night of play by Thursday, July 25th.