Italian Easter Bread

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3 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 pkg active dry yeast
2/3 warm milk
2 tbs butter softened
7 eggs
1/2 cups raisins
1/2 cup blanched almond chopped
Vegetable oil


In a mixing bowl combine 1 cup flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Add milk and butter, beat for 2 minutes. Add 2 eggs and the rest of flour. Stir in raisins, almond, mix well to form a soft dough. On the floured table knead until smooth. Let rise in the bowl, cover with a cloth for 1 hour. Dye remaining eggs (leave uncooked) light rub with oil. Divide the dough in ropes, place on a greased sheet and form into a ring. Punch together and tuck the eggs. Cover and let rise until double about 30 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown, remove from pan, cool on wire rack.
