Lecture Series
IHSI Lecture Series – First Day in America: Ellis Island
Lawrence Public Library 7898 Hague Rd, Indianapolis, IN, United StatesIHSI Board Member and local author, Carol Faenzi will take us on a trip through the place where many of our ancestors passed into America. What did an immigrant experience during the first 24 hours? A fascinating walk through its history and photographs. Lawrence Public Library 7898 Hague Road Sunday, June 2, 2019 2:00 pm Refreshment served
Italian Heritage Society Lecture Series – Dual Citizenship
Nora Library 8625 Guilford Avenue , Indianapolis, IN, United StatesItalian Heritage Society Lecture Series Back By Popular Demand! Obtaining Dual Citizenship: What You Need to Know! Sunday, August 18, 2019 at Nora Library 2:00-4:00 pm Always Free - No RSVP required. IHSI member Marlene Adami walk us through the complex process of applying for Italian Citizenship. This is not to be missed if you […]
IHSI Lecture Series – “The Veneto Region of Italy” by Professor Elisa Lucchi-Riester
Nora Library 8625 Guilford Avenue , Indianapolis, IN, United StatesSenior Lecturer, Elisa Lucchi-Riester is a Professor of 18 years in Butler University’s Spanish Department. She speaks four languages, including her native Italian. She taught Italian until the University cut the program in 2013. Passionate about languages, she also serves as a volunteer translator in communities and as a medical interpreter. No RSVP is required. […]
IHSI Lecture Series – “Renaissance Architecture” by Dr. James Glass
Nora Library 8625 Guilford Avenue , Indianapolis, IN, United StatesSpeaker: Dr. James Glass We are honored to have as our next presenter, and for the second time, Dr. James Glass who will be speaking on the subject of Renaissance Architecture. Come and learn during this visually stunning presentation, how Renaissance architects such as Brunelleschi and others created buildings and monuments that have lasted 500 […]
IHSI Lecture Series – “Puglia and the History of Olive Oil” by Professor Carl Ipsen
Glendale Library 3660 East 62nd St, Indianapolis, IN, United StatesJoin professor of history and founding member of IU’s Food Institute Carl Ipsen for a special presentation in Indianapolis. Hosted at the Glendale Branch of the Indianapolis Public Library, Professor Ipsen will discuss his recent sabbatical research on olive oil in the Puglia region of Italy. The Italian Heritage Society of Indiana is excited to […]